rsound | | Multi-platform, simple PCM audio server and client |
rsstail | | RSS feeds reader with a tail(1)-like interface |
rst-mode | | Emacs mode for reStructuredText documents |
rstudio | | Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for R |
rtaudio | | Realtime audio IO library |
rtcmix | | Open-source digital signal processing and sound synthesis language |
rte | | Real Time Audio/Video Encoding Library |
rthread | | Distributed computing with remote threads in Python |
rtl_433 | | Generic data receiver and decoder using software defined radio |
rtl-sdr-git | | Turns your Realtek RTL2832 based DVB dongle into a SDR receiver |
rtmidi | | Realtime MIDI IO library |
rtpbreak | | Detects, reconstructs and analyzes any RTP session |
rtspdump | | Download multimedia stream from a Microsoft Windows Media Server |
rtv | | Simple terminal viewer for Reddit (Reddit Terminal Viewer) |
rubiks | | There are several programs for working with Rubik's cubes |
rubrica2 | | Addressbook manager for the GNOME Environment |
ruby-3llo | | CLI for Trello |
ruby-actionmessenger | | Ruby convenience framework for instant messaging |
ruby-actionpack52-xml_parser | | XML parameters parser for Action Pack (removed from core in Rails 4.0) |
ruby-asciidoctor-pdf | | PDF extension for Asciidoctor |
ruby-blockenspiel | | Library to create DSL blocks |
ruby-cabin | | Experiment to try and make logging more flexible and more consumable |
ruby-charlock_holmes | | Character encoding detection, brought to you by ICU |
ruby-chawan | | Cup for chasen that provides an easy to use for extracting Japanese |
ruby-csv | | CSV Reading and Writing |
ruby-delegate_it | | ActiveSupport like delegate method for non Rails projects |
ruby-diaspora | | Federated privacy-aware social network |
ruby-dig_rb | | Array/Hash/Struct#dig backfill for ruby |
ruby-ditz | | Simple, light-weight distributed issue tracker |
ruby-ethon | | Very lightweight libcurl wrapper |
ruby-gemojione | | Gem for EmojiOne |
ruby-gh | | Layerd GitHub API client |
ruby-ghi | | GitHub Issues on the command line |
ruby-git_stats | | Git repository statistics generator |
ruby-github-markup | | Markup library to use to render a content file on GitHub |
ruby-gitlab | | Complete software development platform around Git |
ruby-gitlab-grit | | Object oriented read/write access to Git repositories via Ruby |
ruby-gollum | | Simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend |
ruby-gollum-lib | | Simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API |
ruby-gollum-rugged_adapter | | Adapter for Gollum to use Rugged (libgit2) at the backend |
ruby-htmlentities | | Encoding and decoding (X)HTML entities |
ruby-httparty | | Makes http fun again |
ruby-iesd | | Tool to customize OS X InstallESD |
ruby-kakasi | | Ruby binding for KAKASI implemented with Fiddle/DL/FFI |
ruby-libv8 | | Ruby distribution wrapper for the V8 JavaScript engine |
ruby-logger | | Simple but powerful logging utility to output messages |
ruby-multi_xml | | Generic swappable back-end for XML parsing |
ruby-mustache-sinatra | | Mustache support for Sinatra applications |
ruby-net-http-pipeline | | HTTP/1.1 pipelining implementation atop Net::HTTP. |
ruby-octicons | | Package that distributes Octicons in a gem |
ruby-passenger | | Web and application server for Ruby, Python and Node.js |
ruby-prawn-icon | | Easy icons for prawn |
ruby-prawn-svg | | SVG renderer for Prawn Ruby PDF library |
ruby-prawn-table | | Provides support for tables in Prawn |
ruby-prawn-templates | | Experimental extraction of template features from Prawn |
ruby-pusher-client | | Ruby WebSocket client for Pusher Channels |
ruby-rack-flash3 | | Flash hash implementation for Rack apps |
ruby-rack-protection4 | | Protection for against typical web attacks for Rack application |
ruby-rake-compiler | | Build extensions (C, Java) with Rake |
ruby-rbpdf | | Ruby on Rails TCPDF plugin |
ruby-rbpdf-font | | RBPDF font files |
ruby-request_store | | Per-request global storage for Rack |
ruby-review | | Converts single Markup Text into various publishing format |
ruby-rinku | | Drop-in replacement for Rails 'auto_link' |
ruby-roadie | | Making HTML emails comfortable for the Ruby rockstars |
ruby-roadie-rails52 | | Hooks Roadie into your Rails application to help with email generation |
ruby-roo-xls | | Add support for legacy Excel file standards to math/ruby-roo |
ruby-rouge3 | | Pure-ruby colorizer based on pygments |
ruby-rss | | Family of libraries that support various formats of XML feeds |
ruby-sdl2 | | Ruby extension library to use SDL2 library |
ruby-simple-navigation | | Create navigations for Rails, Sinatra or Padrino applications |
ruby-sinatra-contrib4 | | Collection of useful Sinatra extensions |
ruby-sinatra-simple-navigation | | Create navigations for Sinatra or Padrino applications |
ruby-sinatra4 | | Classy web-development dressed in a DSL |
ruby-sprockets-helpers | | Asset path helpers for Sprockets 2.x & 3.x applications |
ruby-sqlite3 | | Ruby bindings for the SQLite3 embedded database |
ruby-table_print | | Turns objects into nicely formatted columns for easy reading |
ruby-taskwarrior-web | | Lightweight web interface for Taskwarrior |
ruby-teamocil | | Easy window and split layouts for tmux |
ruby-termit | | Google Translate in your terminal |
ruby-therubyracer | | Embedded V8 Javascript |
ruby-therubyrhino | | Embed the Mozilla Rhino JavaScript interpreter into Ruby |
ruby-therubyrhino_jar | | Rhino's js.jar classes packaged as a JRuby gem |
ruby-travis | | Travis CI Client (CLI and Ruby library) |
ruby-treetop16 | | Ruby-based text parsing and interpretation DSL |
ruby-trollop | | Commandline option parser for Ruby that gets out of your way |
ruby-twitter-text1 | | Library that provides text handling for Twitter |
ruby-useragent | | HTTP User Agent parser |
ruby-vegas | | Sinatra/Rack app wrapper |
ruby-versionomy | | Generalized version number library |
ruby-xmpp4r | | XMPP/Jabber library for Ruby |
ruby-yaml_waml | | YAML WorkAround for Multibyte Language |
runas | | Wrapper around su for running a command as another user |
runcpm | | Z80 CP/M 2.2 emulator |
rust-analyzer | | LSP server for the Rust programming language |
rust-synapse-compress-state | | Tool to clean up matrix-synapse PostgreSQL databases |
rust177 | | Safe, concurrent, practical language |
rust177-bin | | Safe, concurrent, practical language (pre-built distribution) |
rust178 | | Safe, concurrent, practical language |
rust178-bin | | Safe, concurrent, practical language (pre-built distribution) |
mk | | Subfolder |